4 Free Ways to Use GPT-4 in 2024 Unlimitedly

Background Many third-party GPT-4 providers have free daily quotas, and you’ll need to pay for more. Although GPT-4 is very expensive, but it’s not impossible to use it for free and unlimitedly. In this article, I will introduce 4 ways to achieve this goal. Before starting, let me first introduce three questions that can be used to distinguish between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. You can use these questions to test whether the model is GPT-4 or not.

DoH vs DoT Benchmark: Choose Your Safe DNS Protocol

Background What is a DNS server? What is an IP address? IP address is a string consist of numbers and dots, for example It is the identification of a computer in the network, we can use it to identify a computer in the network and establish a link with it. What is a domain name? Domain name is a string consist of English characters and dots, for example www.google.com. It is the identification of a computer (or a service) in the network, we can use it to identify a computer (or a service) in the network and establish a link with it.

不废话讲解 KMP 算法

Leetcode 28. Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String KMP 主要用在 pattern 匹配上。 比如给出一个字符串 s 和一个字符串 pattern ,请找出 pattern 第一次在 s 中出现的下标。 最长公共前后缀 前缀是指不包含

Contributing Guide For My Color Schemes

About In this post I’m going to briefly describe how to contribute to my color schemes. All of my color schemes share a very similar code base, so I’m going to take one of these color schemes gruvbox-material for example in this post. Code Structure /.githooks/pre-commit: Pre-commit hook. /autoload/gruvbox_material.vim: Contains helper functions and color palette. /autoload/airline/themes/gruvbox_material.vim: Airline theme. /autoload/lightline/colorscheme/gruvbox_material.vim: Lightline theme. /colors/gruvbox-material.vim: The color scheme file. /doc/gruvbox-material.txt: The help doc. /lua/lualine/themes/gruvbox-material.